
音乐人: 顾明明 歌曲数量: 36 首
专辑类型: 全长专辑 专辑语言: 国语 英语
专辑流派: 古典/传统 器乐/纯音乐
专辑简介: 『荒漠甘泉乐侣』是作者顾明明女士将圣诗(每天一首)配合『荒漠甘泉』,融合了唱诗、祈祷、读经,成为最能亲近神的灵修生活。   更多...
01 求主掌舵 Jesus Savior, Pilot Me  
02 主眼看顾 Precious Promise  
03 耶稣时常同在 Jesus Is Always There  
04 赞美上主,全能真神 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty  
05 上主之灵,恳求降临 Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart  
06 警醒祷告 Christian, Seek Not Yet Repose  
07 你已否祷告 Do You Think to Pray  
08 我心灵得安宁 It Is Well with My Soul  
09 信心使我得胜 Faith Is the Victory  
10 必有恩惠慈爱 Surely Goodness and Mercy  
11 因他活着 Because He Lives  
12 要祷告交托耶稣 Take It to Jesus in Prayer  
13 恳求主教导 Prayer before Preaching  
14 主回答我所求 He Answers Every Prayer  
15 我今永远属他 Now I Belong to Jesus  
16 有平安在我心 Constantly Abiding  
17 为你祈求 I Am Praying for You  
18 他差遣虹霓和雨点 He Sends the Rainbow with the Rain  
19 神是爱 God Is Love  
20 先贤之信(守信歌) Faith of Our Fathers  
21 大哉,圣哉,耶稣之名 All Hail the Power of Jesus's Name  
22 天父儿女 Children of the Heavenly Father  
23 擘开生命之饼 Break Thou the Bread of Life  
24 主虽然 His Small Voice  
25 永生神的灵 Spirit of Living God  
26 愿那灵活复兴我 Holy Spirit Revive Me  
27 完全的爱 O Perfect Love  
28 爱是主题 Love Is the Theme  
29 主爱救我 Love Lifted Me  
30 神迹 It Took a Miracle  
31 求主容我与你同行 O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee  
32 天父必看顾你 God Will Take Care of You  
33 如鹿渴慕 As the Deer  
34 与主同住 Abide with Thee  
35 谁顺从主耶稣 Who Is on the Lord's Side  
36 靠近神的怀中 Near to the Lord's Side  
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